Tuesday, March 24, 2009

smash it, better yet...stomp all over it.

today i got onto the bus on the way to english class. it was almost full so i had to sit in between a girl and another guy who were having a conversation in order to avoid standing up for the bus ride. the girl was telling the guy about how people that minor in spanish in college do not really accomplish anything. people can typically get through with a spanish minor without even knowing how to speak the language fluently. she said if she were an employer, having a spanish minor would not matter. i thought about this for quite sometime and honestly, she's right. i have had about 5 years of spanish classes and am going to have 3 more, but i can not understand someone who speaks fluently in spanish worth a lick. this might change around some things later on down the line. i'm looking at business minors now, not saying that i have fully decided to change my minor. i might have to talk about it to my law advisor to decide which minor would be a better choice for impressing a law school.

sometimes i hate when people take away your dreams, by pursuing something that you really wanted to do in the first place. but then, after they take them, they throw them away like it means nothing to them, especially when it meant everything to you. i feel like people do this on purpose really. i have wanted to be an RA way beyond even going to college, and once i told people that it's what i wanted to do, they basically decided that they wanted to do it too. well things didn't go well first semester as far as grades go. they weren't bad, they just weren't what i wanted them to be. but it caused me to not be able to get the job immediately, which killed me inside. i knew that this was probably the only way that i will be able to pay for school next year. what hurt me even more was that i knew i actually was going to be offered the job. now someone else i knew actually got the job, and they ended up quitting it because they thought it would be a waste of time. i dont know, maybe i just feel stupid when people don't appreciate the things that i appreciate...ya know? they just smash it. better yet, they just stomp all over it. it's ridiculous really.